Medical Disclaimer


Trademark names you view on the Abirateroneacetate Cost website are the sole property of the trademark holders. We do not have any right (or) claim to hold the right on the manufacturer who offered the products on our website. We are also not affiliated with any of the manufacturers or holders of the trademark. The trademark holders own the brands you see on the website. You can see the manufacturer’s name who has manufactured the products. Abirateroneacetate Cost website displays all the product images along with the manufacturer’s name clearly. We also show the brand name products that are promoted on the website.

All the trademarks, services, and brands you view on the website belong to the respective trademark holder only.

The content available on the website is only for informative purposes. It is not considered for medical guidance, and We, Abirateroneacetate Cost, recommend you to refrain from viewing the information as an individual appeal. Every manufacturer selling their products on our website has their name clearly visible with well-identified images. If only the brand names are provided, those will be advertised well.

You should only partially depend on the data available on the site and take the suggestion of the medical counsel or human services supplier. If you have any medical emergency, you seek the help of a medical specialist or approach an expert human services supplier. You need to undergo treatment if you experience any serious medical condition. Abirateroneacetate Cost requests you not prolong your medicinal exhortation or therapeutic counsel or end your treatment after going through the data on the site.

The content on the site is provided without any guarantee. Abirateroneacetate Cost does not take any responsibility for contracts, including the title, merchantability, reasons for which medicine to be used, and any stock-related data on the site. We have put this disclaimer and clearly state that we do not guarantee any items sold on our website. Using the website, we do not say a solution is ideal and works for you. You are buying the medicines from our store at your own risk. We are not liable for any side effects you are prone to after taking the drug.

We make no verbal promises and do not accept any liabilities for the restorative appeal you give for the medicine you take or any data you get by connecting to the site.

We, Abirateroneacetate Cost, also do not prescribe any medicine to people, support or give false information about the availability of treatment, or boast about the effectiveness of the medicine on the site. We also do not take responsibility for the data’s precision presented on the site. Any outcome you experience after consuming this data, including favourable or unfavourable results, is at your own risk to people or property. No guarantee is provided on the data communicated.

The information published on the website is just for informative purposes and is not any substitute for the treatment, diagnosis, or advice given by medical practitioners or professionals. The content provided on the site will not cover the precautions, interactions of drugs, or their adverse impact on the body. The information provided needs to be more generic and be relied upon. No special instructions are given for any patient. We take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided or consequences that would come up due to the consumption of information, including damage to people or other products.

Our website content is available, and no warranty is provided on the information. The website’s content keeps changing, and we do not take responsibility for its accuracy or operate without any glitches. None of our affiliates, employees, or vendors is responsible for any punitive or consequential damages from the website’s usage. You use our website at your own risk, and if you are not happy with our terms and conditions or our content, the best remedy is to discontinue using the website.

We only sell the medicine to people with a doctor’s prescription and purchase medicine. The website will contain medical-related material or discussions about various diseases. If you find the information offensive, you can avoid using the site. We are not responsible for the claims that are made by external websites as well as education companies.

We advise our customers or website visitors to stick to the medicinal course, i.e., you must take the medicine as per the prescribed dosage and at the right time by your medical professionals. We are not taking the medication as the doctors defined would also worsen the condition.

