The longest time on Zytiga: a solution for prostate cancer

Zytiga is a prescription medicine brand name that is used to treat prostate cancer that has spread to other body parts ( metastasized ). It is basically a hormone therapy that works in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and metastatic high-risk castration-sensitive prostate cancer (CSPC).

Metastatic means a cancer that has spread to other body parts. The word castration refers to lowering the high level of testosterone. Testosterone plays a major role in stimulating the growth of cancer cells. So if testosterone levels become low, the growth of cancer cells becomes slow. And the medicine Zytiga contains abiraterone acetate which lowers the level of testosterone. 

However, the longest time on Zytiga varies from man to man. In clinical studies, a man with CRPC and taking Zytiga, lower the risk of death by 34%. Another study shows that for those who took Zytiga their survival rate was 83% for three years.

Zytiga generic:

Zytiga contains abiraterone acetate and comes with 250 mg tablet and 500 mg tablet. The 250-mg tablet of abiraterone acetate is available as a generic version. but 500 mg doesn’t have any generic version.

Zytiga dosage and Drug forms: 

The dosage of Zytiga that your doctor prescribes depends on several factors.

This includes

  • Your liver function 
  • Heart function 
  • Your regular medicine intake list

However, the doctor will prescribe the smallest amount that suits you and provide the desired effects. In general, 1000 mg of Zytiga (per day) is recommended. However, Be sure with your doctor and take the dose that your doctor prescribes for you. Typically, Zytiga comes in 2 forms; 500 mg film-coated form and 250 mg uncoated tablet.

Things should be considered before taking zytiga

Before taking Zytiga, describe  basic information to your doctor about all of your medical conditions including if you have- 

  • Diabetes 
  • Liver issues 
  • Heart problem 
  • History of pituitary problems
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding women?
  • Keep a list of medicines that you take or treatment that you receive.

Side effects of zytiga 

Zytiga can cause mild to serious side effects

Common side effects are 

  • Vomiting 
  • joint pain, swelling
  • edema 
  • High blood pressure 
  • headache 
  • fatigue 
  • cough 
  • nausea 
  • redness in your skin
  • diarrhea 

Serious side effects 

  • High blood sugar levels 
  • Low blood potassium levels 
  • High blood pressure 
  • anemia
  • High cholesterol levels
  • High triglyceride levels 
  • Urinary tract infections 
  • Kidney problems 
  • blood in urine 

Rare serious side effects 

  • trouble breathing 
  • angioedema (swelling under your skin 
  • dark urine
  •  stomach pain 
  • chest pain 
  • shortness of breath 
  • Very fast or slow heartbeat

How Long Should You Continue Taking Zytiga

While we talk about the longest time on Zytiga, There are several factors to evaluate how long you can take Zytiga. Typically one can continue Zytiga for as long as the medicine is effective or as long as he can tolerate them. 

Typically, a patient with metastatic prostate cancer remains on Zytiga for 8-24 months. For continuing Zytiga your doctor will check 

  • Your PSA level ( a protein produced by the prostate). 
  • Liver function and potassium levels by blood test.
  • Blood pressure.
  • Monitor the signs of disease progression using CT Scan, MRI, etc. 

However, stopping Zytiga suddenly causes a rapid growth of prostate cancer cells. This is too much worse for your health. So don’t skip without your doctor’s permission.

Zytiga Plus ADT and Texture:

Adding ADT and Texture with Zytiga creates a “triplet therapy” that can slow down the progression of cancer cells. This combination works better compared to the single use of ADT and Texture. 

American Society of Clinical Oncology shows that including Zytiga with ADT and Texture improves the survival duration for 4.5 years without the progression of cancer compared to 2.2 years of survival rate with ADT + Texture without Zytiga.

Alternatives to Zytiga:

Common alternatives of Zytiga that are used to treat prostate cancer are- 

  • docetaxel (Texture)
  • cabazitaxel (Jevtana)
  • enzalutamide (Xtandi) 
  • sipuleucel-T (Provenge) 
  • radiotherapy ( Xofigo) 

Xtandi vs.Zytiga :

Xtandi Zytiga 
Contains enzalutamide  Contains abiraterone acetate. 
used to lower the level of testosterone by preventing testosterone from attaching to its receptors. is also used to lower the level of testosterone by blocking the production of testosterone.
FDA-approved for both  metastatic and nonmetastatic CRPC  FDA-approved for metastatic CRPC. 
Don’t have a generic form Have generic form 

Yonsa vs. Zytiga :

Yonsa  Zytiga
abiraterone acetate (smaller particale) abiraterone acetate
FDA-approved to treat mCRPC FDA-approved for both mCRPC and mCSPC. 
cost less than Zytiga Zytiga brand name and generic both cost more than Yonsa.

Zytiga and coffee:

Yes, you can consume Zytiga with coffee. There is no interaction between coffee and Zytiga. However, it is recommended to take Zytiga and wait at least 1-2 hours after eating. 

Because food can decrease the absorption rate of Zytiga and make it less effective. 


What is Zytiga?

Zytiga is a Brand name (generic version available)  for prescribed medicine that contains Abiraterone acetate. For treating prostate cancer, doctors will prescribe this medicine. Typically, Zytiga is used as a hormone therapy. 

What is Zytiga used for?

Zytiga is used to treat both metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and metastatic high-risk castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC) that spread to other body parts. By lowering the level of testosterone (stimulating the progression of cancer cells), Zytiga decreases the growth of cancer cells.

How much does Zytiga cost per month? 

The costs of Zytiga depend on your location, your insurance plan, and the pharmacy you visit. So I can’t be able to provide you an exact value.

Is Zytiga chemotherapy?

No, Zytiga is not a form of chemotherapy. Zytiga contains Abiraterone which is used as a hormone therapy drug. It is a treatment for metastatic prostate cancer. 

How long does Zytiga work? 

Some studies show that Zytiga prolonged life for about 4.5 months. In another study, 83% man with mCRPC survived for three years by taking Zytiga. Zytiga lowered 34% risk of death. Adding prednisone with Zytiga for newly diagnosed mCSPC patients lowers the 38% chance of death.


Zytiga is a perfect treatment for prostate cancer As the longest time on Zytiga is proven. Zytiga success rate is much appreciable. But Before taking Zytiga, contact your doctor and provide him with your full medical history. If your doctor prescribes you to take Zytiga contact with us on WhatsApp or send me a direct e-mail so that we can provide you an authentic source of Zytiga generic.
